In this talk, We give a classification of Gorenstein Fano equivariant compactifications of complex semisimple Lie groups with rank two, and determine which of them are equivariant K-stable and admit (singular) Kähler-Einstein metrics. As a consequence, we obtain several explicit examples of K-stable Fano varieties admitting (singular) Kähler-Einstein metrics. We also compute the greatest Ricci lower bounds, equivalently the delta invariants for K-unstable varieties. This gives us three new examples on which each solution of the Kähler-Ricci flow is of type II. This is based on the joint work with Jae-Hyouk Lee and Kyeong-Dong Park.
Sungmin Yoo is currently a research fellow at IBS-Center for Complex Geometry in Korea. He received his Ph.D. in 2018 under the direction of Professor Kang-Tae Kim at POSTECH.
His research focuses on Complex Geometry and Several Complex Variables with special interest in Kähler geometry of Kähler-Einstein metric and Bergman metric.
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