Enlin YANG 阳恩林
- Current Address:
- Office:Zhihua Building#341 (智华楼341)
- Email: yangenlin "at" math.pku.edu.cn
- Office Hours(答疑时间): Tuesday 9:00-11:00
- Research Interests: Arithmetic algebraic geometry and number theory, in particular: geometric ramification theory and motivic cohomology.
- 2018.12--present, Assistant professor, Peking University.
- 2017.10--2018.09, Postdoc in the group of Professor Denis-Charles Cisinski, SFB 1085 Higher Invariants, Universitat Regensburg.
- 2015.09--2017.09, Humboldt Research Fellowship, Hosts: Professor Helene Esnault (Freie Universitat Berlin) and Professor Moritz Kerz (Universitat Regensburg).
- 2010.08--2015.01, Ph.D, Mathematics, Tsinghua University, Advisor: Professor Linsheng Yin.
- 2012.09--2014.08, Research student, University of Tokyo, supported by China scholarship council, Advisor: Professor Takeshi Saito.
- 2006.08--2010.07, Bachelor of Science, Tsinghua University.