Distinguished Lecture——Geometry of Neighborhoods of Rational Curves
报告人:Jun-Muk Hwang (IBS Center for Complex Geometry)
时间:2024-04-26 14:00-15:00
Abstract: The diffeomorphic equivalence type of the germ of neighborhoods of a compact complex submanifold in a complex manifold is determined by its normal bundle, but its biholomorphic equivalence type is much subtler and complicated. Even when the compact submanifold is just a smooth rational curve and its normal bundle is of the simplest type, the geometry of its neighborhoods can be very rich and puzzling. We discuss some recent results on this topic obtained by a combination of tools from algebraic geometry and differential geometry.
Bio: Prof. Hwang obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1993 under the supervision of Yum-Tong Siu. After working in University of Notre Dame, Seoul National University, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, he is now the director of the Center for Complex Geometry at the Institute for Basic Science. Prof. Hwang is one of the leading experts in algebraic geometry and complex differential geometry. Collaborating with Ngaiming Mok, he has developed the theory of varieties of minimal rational tangents. He has applied this theory to settle a number of important problems on algebraic varieties covered by rational curves. He has also made important contribution with various collaborators to other areas of complex algebraic geometry including the geometry of quotients of bounded symmetric domains and holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations. Recently, he applies Cartan's equivalence method to Hirschowtiz's conjecture on the formal principle. Prof. Hwang was in 2006 an invited speaker at the ICM in Madrid and in 2014 a plenary speaker at the ICM in Seoul. He has served in the committee for the Abel Prize in 2023 and 2024. He is in the editorial boards for top journals such as Crelle's Journal.