Stalks of perverse sheaves in characteristic p
报告人:Will Sawin
时间:2021-02-25 10:00-11:00
Perverse sheaves are objects that efficiently encapsulate geometric information in multiple areas of algebraic geometry, number theory, representation theory, and topology. A key invariant of perverse sheaves is the characteristic cycle, which can be used to calculate the Euler characteristic or the rank of the vanishing cycles at a particular point. Massey showed that the characteristic cycle can be used to bound the stalk of the perverse sheaf at a particular point.
We generalize Massey's formula from characteristic 0 to characteristic p. This relies on the recent construction of the characteristic cycle in characteristic p. It has multiple applications to number theory over the ring of polynomials in one variable over finite fields, since many natural arithmetic functions in that setting arise from the stalks of perverse sheaves - most famously, automorphic forms.
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