主 题: 曲面上容易看到的对称,最大阶,极小曲面
报告人: 王诗宬教授 (Peking University)
时 间: 2015-01-09 15:00-16:00
地 点: 理科一号楼 1114(数学所活动)
闭曲面以变化无穷的方式出现在我们的三维世界中: 任一三维实体的边界都是闭曲面。闭曲面上的哪些对称能够随闭曲面出现在我们三维世界的对称中呢?报告会讲大量形象的例子,主要结果如下:
For $g > 1$, the maximum order finite group actions on $(S^3, F_g)$, for all possible embeddings of the closed surface $F_g$ of genus $g$ into the 3-sphere $S^3$ are determined.
In particular, with 23 exceptions, the maximum order is $4(g+1)$ if $g$ is not a square or $4(k+1)^2$ if $g=k^2$, and moreover the maximum order can be realized by unknotted embeddings for all $g$
except for $g=21$ and $481$. We may also address the connection of the topic with minimal surfaces in 3-sphere.
报告的内容主要来自与王晁, 张一木, Zimmermann 的合作。