几何分析讨论班——Gradient estimates for harmonic functions and heat kernels
主 题: 几何分析讨论班——Gradient estimates for harmonic functions and heat kernels
报告人: 蒋仁进 (天津应用数学中心)
时 间: 2016-12-27 10:10-12:00
地 点: 理科一号楼1303
In this talk, I will present some recent result on gradient estimates for harmonic functions and heat kernels. First I will discuss some motivations arising from PDEs and geometric analysis, and recall some known results. Then we will present characterizations for Yau's gradient estimate for harmonic functions and Li-Yau's gradient estimate for heat kernels, and their natural analogies of Lp versions will be presented. Applications to the Riesz transform, Sobolev inequalities, and examples from different settings will be discussed. Local version of the theory will also presented.