An introduction to limit multiplicity property
主 题: An introduction to limit multiplicity property
报告人: Prof.Wen-Wei Li (Morningside Center of Mathematics, AMSS)
时 间: 2015-09-24 14:00 - 16:00
地 点: 全斋29
In classical terms, the limit multiplicity property concerns the asymptotic behavior of the multiplicities in the discrete L^2 spectrum of the automorphic quotient G/Γ, by varying the arithmetic lattice Γ. The result turns out to be related to the Placherel measure of the reductive Lie group G, at least conjecturally. We will take this opportunity to introduce some basic notions about automorphic forms, harmonic analysis, and Arthur-Selberg trace formula. If time permits, I will talk about the works of Sauvageot, Finis, Lapid and Müller, which make crucial use of finer structures of the trace formula.